
Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Cloud in the Hand

While this blog started as a chronicle of my schools use of the cloud it has become obvious that this is too limited. It does the College and my colleagues as well as me an injustice. The cloud is really just a tool and for my reflections to be of any use to the brilliant teachers, support and admin staff I work with I have realised that I need to be a lot more broad.

Use of Google Apps has exploded at the College and I only need to look at the Sites Dashboard to see how many KLAs are making use if the technology. I am also extremely greatful that teachers who decide to make their Sites and Docs private are including me in their list...THANK YOU!

There are many staff at the College that have taken advantage of our employer's salary sacrifice scheme to purchase an iPad 2 and others that are using various self-owned mobile devices in the classrooom and for admin purposes. Hence my rethink that this blog is too narrow.

As part of my role as eLearning Coordinator at the College as well as my innate need to shout things from the roof top I have decided to also use the blog to spread the news about other mobile bits and pieces I find useful, including Apps. In keeping with this, my first post about mobile learning is targeted towards my colleagues who are searching for Apps to use at school.

I have three pieces of advice to get you started:

1. Use Twitter - there are some great people as well as hashtags (#) to follow. Checkout #slidetolearn, #mobilelearning, #IEAR, #EDAPP and #mlearning as a start and use this to also find people like @ShellTerrell, @ipodsibilities and @SNewco.

2. Frequent the site - an educational Apps review website. I have found many excellent resources here.

3. Use the Apps Store in iTunes - in the iTunes Store click on the Apps Store drop down menu and choose Education and browse.

 I can't wait 'till my iPad 2 arrives!

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